Beijing-born and trained martial arts magician Jet Li has all the
right moves in the action-packed Black Mask.
American action movies tend to be 90 percent tedious stuff like plot
and snappy one-liners, and only 10 percent fighting and things blowing
up. Generally, storylines and dialogue are fine features for a movie,
but when an action movie doesnt contain enough action, well, its like
a porn flick without enough sex. Even in a high-voltage flick like The
Matrix, audiences had to wait forever for Keanu Reeves to emerge from
warm goo and start leveling buildings.
That is not the sort of problem youre going to have watching a Hong
Kong movie. Case in point: Black Mask. Within the first 10 minutes,
rival crews obliterate an entire warehouse and almost everyone in it
with the kind of apocalyptic guns-and-grenades spray that most American
actioners save for climaxes. Its not subtle, but it does get your attention.
The threadbare excuse for all this carnage is the rebellion of a gang
of genetically-engineered humans who are extraordinarily strong and
oblivious to pain. These mutantscalled 701swere designed to fight
crime, but like all cinematic science experiments, something went horribly
awry. Now they are aggressive mutants, waging spectacularly cruel war
on both police and local drug lords in order to establish themselves
as the citys main muscle. There is, of course, only one man who can
stop them.
Michael (Beijing-born and trained martial arts master Jet Li) is a
tamed 701 who also happens to be a mild-mannered librarian. (Yes.) Its
just a matter of timethis being a Hong Kong flick, about six minutesbefore
his past catches up with him and he has to start busting 701 skull.
But since hes so comfortable in his new, Dewey-Decimal-system lifestyle,
Michael decides to do his destruction undercover, employing a snazzy
mask and what looks like a chauffeurs cap. (That Kato look is soooo
retro, one female character sniffs.)
Of course, all of this is just filler. The main reason anybody watches
a Jet Li movie (Shaolin Temple, Once Upon a Time in China and America,
Lethal Weapon IV) is to see what Jet does best: defy gravity and kick
butt. He tumbles, he crashes through windows, he fights while swinging
from chains and balancing on slender beams. He may be the only actor
who can box someones ears with his feet, and can look menacingly cool
brandishing cardboard boxes as boxing gloves. For 90 minutes, this is
pretty much what Jet Li does, and he does it like a rock-em sock-em
robot on steroids.
Its not quite as entertaining to watch bombs explode and guns rat-a-tat
in the wake of recent events in Colorado, even knowing that Black Mask
was released long before Columbine. And the movies new hip-hop soundtrack,
with songs like Killing Spree, may be an ingenious way to draw rap
fans to the theaters, but it also delivers an unintentionally ominous
chill. To the movies credit, very real-looking pain accompanies the
violence: Li may bounce back, cyborg-like, from his fights, but it doesnt
diminish the big ouch he wears every time some Leviathan flies feet-first
into his chest. As he pirouettes on girders at the top of an unfinished
building, his precarious position is both breathtaking and nauseating.
The poetry of Jets work isnt that he makes it look easy. Its that
he makes it look realistically grueling.
Imitations from the likes of Tarantino and Ritchie may come and go,
and Hong Kong stars like Jackie Chan and Chow Yun Fat may cross over
to stateside success. But theres something about Hong Kong originals
that is unlike anything else. Sure theres lousy dubbing, puzzling editing
and implausible plots. But put Jet Li in a snazzy slicker and let his
fists start flying and nobodynot even Keanucan compare. Action-wise,
his shoes are the ones to fill, and as long as they remain mid-air,
eye-level and very, very fast, no other performer comes close.
Black Mask is available from a vendor
near you.